About Sun Valley Outfitters

Fly shop and guided fly-fishing outfitter

Sun Valley Outfitters is a Ketchum based company run and staffed by passionate anglers. We are driven by our beliefs in the positive impact fly-fishing can have on people, communities, and as mechanism to help people become advocates for protecting the wild places we go.

Deep in our blood is the belief that spending time outdoors, especially on our gorgeous waterways, makes us better parents, friends, children and generally people. With this passion we strive to provide every person with a welcoming and enjoyable personal experience whether they are purchasing with our retail staff or booking a guided fly-fishing trip.  

We also believe in investing in our local community and are engaging with our local schools to ensure future generations in the Wood River Valley have the chance to fall in love with fly-fishing.  

Finally, we believe in providing unique one-of-a-kind fly-fishing experiences as a tool to help people fall in love with, and become advocates for, healthy river eco-systems.  Clean waters, healthy fish populations, and healthy and diverse bug populations, are integral components of our environments and lifestyle which we cherish and work to protect.

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